Staying Calm When Things Go Wrong is a Superpower

Learning to command yourself

Thomas Oppong


Photo: Juan Arreguin/Unsplash

Life is not linear. Logical progression is not guaranteed.

Uncertainty, obstacles, stress, anxiety and frustration are all deeply human. Unexpected problems, events, and situations can arise anytime, and how we handle them can make all the difference in the outcome.

Staying calm when things go wrong is a superpower many people lack.

I like what Natsuki Takaya once said, “You flounder through life, struggling desperately so you won’t drown, even though you would float if you’d just relax.”

It takes practice and dedication to learn how to keep a level head in the face of adversity, but it can prove invaluable.

“Learning to be calm in the face of danger, perceived or real, gives you confidence and mental clarity in the situation,” says Keith Hill Jr.

When you remain calm in the face of adversity, you can take a mindful approach to the situation, helping you think more clearly, make better decisions, and handle difficult situations gracefully.

When you can maintain your composure, you can better assess any setback and determine the best course of…



Thomas Oppong
Thomas Oppong

Written by Thomas Oppong

Making the wisdom of great thinkers instantly accessible. As seen on Forbes, Inc. and Business Insider. For my popular essays, go here:

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