Teach Others What You Learned Late In Life

You don’t know what you know until you teach it

Thomas Oppong


Photo: Sarah Pflug/Burst

Learning is not just about consuming wisdom for yourself — it’s also about transferring what you know to others.

That’s how knowledge spreads.

Parents unconsciously (and on a few occasions deliberately) pass on their beliefs, values, perceptions, morals and mental models to their kids.

While we teach, we learn,” Seneca said.

I’ve learned a lot from others via books, blogs, newsletters, podcasts and courses.

I’m still learning every day. It’s a more deliberate process now. Learning is a massive part of my life and what I do for a living. I’m still learning how to write better articles. Writing helps. So, I try to write daily or better still, teach what I’m learning.

What I don’t want to do is to keep all that knowledge to myself. That’s why I learn in public and share my intellectual curiosity journey with others.

I learned a lot of things late in life:

  • How to enjoy learning without making it a chore.
  • How to read good books and get the most value from them.
  • How to stay calm when everything around me is chaotic.
  • How to invest wisely and leverage compound growth.

I also learned through self-directed learning the life-changing value of solitude, the importance of taking responsibility for your own happiness and success and the practical value of thinking clearly.

I write about almost everything I learn. And I find even more ideas to write about when I publish in public.

These days, I ask more questions about life and living it and tend to question conventional wisdom, beliefs and perceptions I picked up growing up.

Do these conventional wisdom still serve me? I keep asking myself. I measure a lot of habits and experiment with different things I come across daily.

“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned,” Richard Feynman said.



Thomas Oppong

Making the wisdom of great thinkers instantly accessible. As seen on Forbes, Inc. and Business Insider. For my popular essays, go here: https://thomasoppong.com