The Most Disturbing Truth Franz Kafka Ever Spoke
A brutal truth too real to ignore.
I had a lot of fun in my childhood. I spent hours outside with friends. We played games, built toys from metal sheets and spent a lot of time outdoors playing and exploring the woods. I’ve lost touch with almost all of them. But I will cherish the memories for a very long time.
Life is a force. It evolves, grows, and finds new forms.
Loss is inevitable. Nothing stays. People, things, even parts of ourselves — everything passes. I’ve lost two people who inspired me in the past three years. Poet and novelist Rilke wrote, “Let life happen to you. No feeling is final.” But life doesn’t take without giving. Something new appears in the emptiness left behind: if you are aware enough to notice.
Loss transforms us.
Novelist and writer Franz Kafka said something disturbing that explains loss in the most brutally honest way.
He said, “Every thing that you love, you will eventually lose, but in the end, love will return in a different form.”
It’s life’s most brutal truth.
Everything you love is in transition. But love doesn’t end. It changes. It leaves, and it returns. Kafka’s truth isn’t just about loss. It’s about transformation. Love…