The observer awareness theory— consciousness creates reality

The nature of reality and consciousness

Thomas Oppong


Photo by Carnaby Gilany on Unsplash

Reality isn’t just out there. I create it. Every time I observe, we define it. Everything I believe to be true creates my reality. I create my small world with my mind and experiences. I mix, match, and keep making my reality up as I observe and interpret other realities.

I’m the observer.

I don’t just see the world; I create my version. My mind fills in the gaps, makes assumptions, and tells a story. That story is mine reality.

But who observes the observer? Who decides how I perceive the world? Is it my upbringing? My biology? Or something else entirely?

Reality may be a mirror reflecting our inner world. We see anger, we find anger. We see love, we find love. My beliefs and expectations define what I see. If I believe people are generally good, I’ll notice acts of kindness. If I expect the worst, I’ll see negativity everywhere.

There are no objective realities, only interpretations.

All realities are real, but they are observed differently. One feels joy, the other feels anger. Why? because of their unique perspectives. Your reality is your reality. My reality is mine. We can share experiences, but our interpretations are…



Thomas Oppong

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