120 tiny habits that have changed my life the most

Aim for the “golden mean” between work and energy recovery.

Thomas Oppong


Photo by Daniela Kokina on Unsplash

A few of the best pieces of wisdom that are literally changing my life. They are doing wonders for my mind, body and soul. Hopefully some of them will help you live your best life.

  1. Rise with the sun; it’s doing wonders for my mind.
  2. Stretch first thing in the morning.
  3. Make time to be still.
  4. Walk among trees. Nature connects the body and mind.
  5. Go outside often. Movement clears stress and lifts mood.
  6. Stretch, move, breathe, create, and connect.
  7. Drink a glass of water first thing every morning.
  8. Find a balance between giving and receiving.
  9. Do small acts of kindness.
  10. Give a compliment.
  11. Say hello to a stranger.
  12. End the day with intention.
  13. Write your thoughts down.
  14. Keep a gratitude journal.
  15. Reflect on the good things in life.
  16. Think of life as happening for you.
  17. Gratitude shifts your focus to what is good in your life, even when things are…



Thomas Oppong

Making the wisdom of great thinkers instantly accessible. As seen on Forbes, Inc. and Business Insider. For my popular essays, go here: https://thomasoppong.com